Monday, September 21, 2015

"The Resistance" by Josh Garrels

I was just listening to music tonight when suddenly a song that I've heard a dozen times caught my ear. The album was "Love and War and Sea In Between" by Josh Garrels. I'm working on prepping lessons for tomorrow when the words come drifting to me:
The Lord of the Flies wants you to kiss his ring...
What!?! Upon closer inspection of the lyrics, the entire song (titled "Resistance") is about standing up against the system that is nurturing us into being cruel, disconnected, and oppressive to one another.


  1. I'm not that into Christian rap, but still an interesting listen. Another interesting song that just might be slightly related to LOTF is "Lord Of The Flies" by Iron Maiden.

    "Who cares now what's right or wrong it's reality
    Killing so we survive wherever we may roam"
    "I just want to feel like we're strong
    We don't need a code of morality"

    clearly shows Jack's perspective on the situation, as he believes that rules are "bollocks", and that the only important thing to do is hunt, which is evident in his obsessive pursue of the pig.

  2. Wow thats really cool! The fact that so many things have been linked to the ideas of Lord of the flies proves how influential and how much Golding wants to spread his worldview on human nature. The blog post I made also connects something to the Lord of the flies, in the way of how they fight to survive and show ideas of human mentality.

    The fact that even a song can show how we should stand up against systems that nurture us to be bad shows also the idea of maybe the conch.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Mr. Kersten,

    Wow! What a great connection! By that line "The Lord of the Flies wants you to kiss his ring..." makes me think of Jack and his greed for power.

    But what intrigues me even further is the last line you wrote about the system NURTURING us to be cruel and oppressive to one another. What if we have been nurtured that way, but so that we only do that when we have differentiating appearances or opinions from others? Like WW2, and how Hitler believed Aryans were the superior race or the Civil War in America and how blacks were degraded? Or the Stolen Generations?

    Great song choice Mr. Kersten.
