Sunday, October 11, 2015

Boy and girl behaviour in Lord of the Flies

This article describes the differences in boy and girl behaviour and how it is not socially acceptable for girls to bite and fight when they're growing up. Because of this, girls use more complex ways of representing violence/aggression. Boys, on the other hand, have more violent responses in their behaviour making it come out in stressful situations such as the setting in Lord of the Flies. Moreover, Lord of the Flies could have only been written about boys for the results to come out as so.

If Lord of the Flies had girls instead of boys, you would have more talking than violence because that is just how the brains are wired. Of course, you will find boys who do not resort to violence (Simon) and girls who do use violence but the majority do not according to research by Dr Stephanie van Goozen, a professor of developmental psychology at Cardiff University.

Although the two genders or different, when it comes down to life or death, they will both use violence as a way of solving the problem. When it comes down to survival, your instincts kick in and your "layers of conditioning" will break off. Girls have the potential to be as aggressive as the opposing gender by the must be pushed harder than boys.


  1. Its how things that are socially acceptable really impact our lives. This could show that we are shaped by nurture and not nature.

    1. Nurture could have a real effect on our actions. I agree with what you're saying and I believe it is true that girls are less aggressive than boys because of society and how the girls would be judged.
